Digital Transformation Is a Must. Here's How the Voice of the Customer Should Help Drive It.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. A retail shopper looking for a specific type of handbag. A city citizen who needs better transit options. A B2B executive who wants to help other companies complete analytics with new software. What do all of these people have in common? They’re all stakeholders — customers who…

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How Mental Schemas Have Us Jump to Solutions

FEATURE – Mental schemas help us to process information, but they often lead us to blindly jump to solutions without understanding the problem. Here, the author explains how Lean Thinking mitigates that risk. Words: Tshepo Thobejane Psychologists tell us that our brains use shortcuts and frameworks, called schemas, to make it easier to organise our…

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Five Lean Mistakes to Avoid

FEATURE – Based on her experience at Lean Institute Colombia, the author lists five common mistakes hindering a lean transformation. Take note! Words: Angélica Gutiérrez No matter where you are on your lean journey, you have surely made some mistakes. They might have caused one or more false starts or stopped you in your tracks…

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Reflecting on Our 15-Year Journey

FEATURE – PL readers will likely be familiar with IOV, the cancer clinic in Brazil that’s become a reference for lean healthcare for countless organizations. Here, Dr Fred looks back at IOV’s 15-year journey. Words: Dr Frederico Pinto Fifteen years ago, lean in healthcare was in its infancy. There were very few examples out there.…

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Lean Digital with Generative AI

FEATURE – This year, PL will try to understand what the future of work looks like in a world with AI. To kick us off and make us think, we publish an article that is the result of a one-hour conversation between a human and a machine. Words: Christopher G. Thompson (with a little help…

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Creativity Unleashed

FEATURE – A lean coach from Argentina reflects on the transformations he has supported across Latin America and on why lean can help unlock the potential of the continent.  Words: Nicolás Alejandro Rebozov A few weeks ago, a friend who is living in Denmark told me she was preparing for an important job interview and…

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Arrows and Loops – The Evolution of Our Management System

FEATURE – A senior executive of a Spanish hotel chain shares an example of how the organization’s management system and visual tools have changed over time. Words: Jordi Estalella As an organization develops its ability to identify and solve problems and becomes more mature in its understanding of Lean Thinking, it is only natural that…

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ThePower of People: Adapting to Changing Times

CASE STUDY – A people-centric approach to work, improvement, and the adoption of automation is allowing this Norwegian company to thrive in a changing industry and environment. Words: Eivind Reke with Håvard Buhaug In 1861, a Swede named Göran Fredrik Göransson figured out how to industrialize steel production with the Bessemer method. Almost overnight, the…

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Lean, Our “Breda” and Butter

BOOK EXCERPT – The city of Breda in the Netherlands has been on a lean journey for the past six years. Today we share an excerpt from the book The Lean Government, which sets the scene for the transformation. Words: Erik Ottens A snowstorm of confetti enveloped the people watching the parade. The tall floats…

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Why Is TPS So Smart?

FEATURE – A real understanding of Lean Thinking can only stem from an exploration of its tacit aspects, not just its most explicit, easy-to-grasp elements. Words: Michael Ballé and Alice Mathieu “We know more than we can tell.” In the early 1960s, Michael Polanyi opened our eyes to the reality that much of human knowledge…

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