Top 9 challenges IT leaders will face in 2020
Jan 6, 2020

This year will assuredly see tech leaders laser-focused once again on digital initiatives, but the processes they have in place for doing so won’t be a slam dunk for success. Worse, recent research suggests that mistakes born of digital transformation are a top cause of concern for businesses.
A Gartner report on emerging risks shows that while companies continue to prioritize and fund digital initiatives, two-thirds not only fail to deliver on their promises but also reveal “enterprise weaknesses, causing organizations to see a gap between expectations and results.”
Digital technology in the enterprise creates challenges in other areas as well, and tech leaders say their most difficult problems revolve around security threats and data privacy, as well as a shortage of top talent with high-tech skills.
Read on for a rundown of daunting challenges business leaders expect to see in 2020, and how forward-thinking executives are addressing them.
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